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36,000+ Pounds of Support for Hurricane Harvey Recovery

support hurrican harvey recovery

With Thanksgiving  just around the corner, our team at Central Transportation Systems 

and International Moving and Storage have truckloads of  gratitude toward those who 

contributed to our Hurricane Harvey Relief efforts.  

While 5 other hurricanes preceded in other areas around the world, Harvey hit close to home with our Texas-based company, and we felt the immediate need within our state borders to figure out a way to help. We decided our goal was to fill 1 truck with as many local donations as we could gather and deliver it free of charge to those affected by Hurricane Harvey.

After posting on our social pages and reaching to family and friends, our very own General Manager Soyla Duran reached out and partnered with Desert Trails Elementary, Heart For The World Church, The Children’s Garden and the El Paso Salvation Army to see how much we could help those affected by the hurricane in Houston and surrounding areas.

Our community responded in so many ways, and these local partners played a pivotal role in moving our story forward:

  • Desert Trails Elementary  students went above and beyond the call, donating racks of water, diapers, and hundreds of toiletries.

  • Our friends at Heart for the World Church along with The Children’s Garden in Las Cruces played a huge part in our donation haul, bringing hundreds of pounds of donations including  diapers and pet supplies.
  • It was our pleasure to partner with the Salvation Army of El Paso. In doing so, our donations were graciously accepted by the Salvation Army in Arlington, who agreed to disburse what donations were needed and in which areas on our behalf.


Before we knew it, donations we’re rolling in and our crew began the grand task of packing and loading our truck with willing hearts and helpful hands.

The crew organized donations by type, and began the tetris game of loading and maneuvering the best way to pack our truck to the brim with donations. The load was huge, and it took everyone’s help to get the job done but as you can see, our crew enjoyed every moment of the packing process.

After loading, our truck weighed in at a whopping 36,000 pounds! 

We also collected hundreds of pounds in winter clothing that we will deliver to Harvey victims once the cold weather kicks in and our receivers at the Salvation Army give us another green light.

We love and are so proud of our community- their attitude during the relief effort was a wonderful example of what coming together to make a positive impact for others can do.

This process was a heavy lift made easy and we’re humbled by those who donated and partnered with us. Our hope is that those affected by Hurricane Harvey will experience firsthand what the power of teamwork can do and how impactful our community can be once we all put our resources together. We are truly proud to keep Texas Strong and continue moving this story forward.

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